Resolution Meets Resistance: A Leader's Path Through Adversity

Unsplash @timmossholder

95% of Resolutions Fail. It's a hard statistical reality. Will you be in the 5% this year?

The 5% represents those who set resolutions and have the resilience and strategic rest to see them through. Don't get me wrong; it's good to see gyms filled, fresh energy emerging in the year, job applications opening up, markets on the rise, and even more people coming to church last Sunday. There's a contagious optimism about the New Year. Yet, our resolve to put our best foot forward always faces resistance.

For the last 5 years or so, when leading a session on goal setting, motivation, or time management, I'll lead with a bit of humor, "Give a show of hands. How many of you want to be rich and skinny in the next 90 days?" That sounds great, too; I'll ask, "How many of you succeeded in your New Year's Resolutions this past year?" One or two hands may go up. The issue with resolutions is our resolve, yet working as a coach for a decade, I've noticed the problem runs deeper regarding our beliefs around resistance. Like those in the gym, this week will tell you – resistance training is the only way toward growth.

Spoken candidly, few have the resolve to sacrifice or suffer to endure till the finish line. The juice may not be worth the squeeze.

Speaking of suffering, in the fall of 2022, this truth became painfully personal when I faced a debilitating back crisis. As my L5 and S1 vertebrae collapsed onto nerve endings, creating excruciating pain, I found myself in serious consultations with two neurosurgeons who presented a stark reality: consider spinal fusion surgery or face a future of increasing limitation. The path forward demanded more than just medical intervention – it required a complete reimagining of my lifestyle, beginning with the challenging work of managing the mental and emotional stress that had manifested physically during my work as a leadership consultant with medical leaders amidst the healthcare crisis. Sometimes, our most significant challenges force us to rethink our approach rather than push harder along the same path.

A core principle emerged from my journey: Resistance training builds resilience, and resilience strengthens resolve.

Just as the body initially resists unfamiliar physical demands, organizations and teams naturally push back against change, even when beneficial. Foregoing the surgical route and mitigating the stress in my back, my physical therapy transition from running to swimming illustrates how adaptation, rather than mere persistence, often paves the way to success. Despite warnings that my running days were over, careful experimentation and gradual progression eventually enabled a return to the treadmill, complementing an established swimming routine that had grown to three miles weekly.

The key insight for leaders is profound: growth emerges not from resolution alone, but from deliberately engaging with resistance. Whether pushing through another lap in the pool, exercising patience instead of succumbing to anger, choosing to listen before speaking, or trusting your team instead of seizing control – each moment of resistance becomes an opportunity to build resilience.

This principle extends beyond personal development to organizational transformation. Leaders who understand this dynamic approach resistance not as an obstacle to be eliminated, but as a natural part of the growth process. They recognize that the challenges faced while implementing new initiatives – digital transformations, cultural shifts, or operational changes – forge more resilient organizations and teams.

My swimming journey perfectly captures this truth: progress comes through pushing against resistance. Each stroke through the water builds strength precisely because of the water's pushback. Similarly, organizational changes gain momentum and sustainability by addressing and working through resistance rather than avoiding it.

Embracing this understanding is crucial for leaders embarking on new year initiatives. The measure of success lies not in the absence of resistance but in the capacity to work through it productively. Whether implementing new technologies, reshaping team dynamics, or pursuing personal development goals, the resistance encountered often indicates that you're moving in the direction of meaningful change.

The most impactful resolutions—personal or organizational—aren't those that avoid resistance but anticipate and embrace it as part of the growth process. There's a secret to being among the 5% who achieve their resolutions: it requires a clear resolution, deep dedication to finishing what we started, and, most importantly, embracing resistance as an opportunity rather than a threat. This transformative power of embracing resistance is what empowers leaders and inspires them to achieve their goals.

Through resistance, we develop resilience. However, another critical element often overlooked in our pursuit of goals is the power of rest. Like those in gyms getting their reps in between weight sets, interval training has rest built in for recovery. Just as any piece of music includes rests for rhythm and melody, providing musicians time to catch their breath, our journey toward meaningful change requires similar pauses.

In every powerful conversation, the silence creates space for reflection and insight after a significant question. To calibrate work-life harmony, our weekly rhythms must include time for recreation, restful Sabbath, and reconnection with loved ones. This rest isn't merely a pause in activity—it's strategic preparation that allows you to leverage strength when, not if, resistance comes. Emphasizing the strategic nature of rest reassures leaders and helps them maintain a balanced approach to their goals.

True resolutions go beyond the superficial desires of being "rich and skinny." Genuine commitments have meaning and purpose. The leaders who succeed in their transformative journeys understand the wisdom of prioritizing significance over mere success. They recognize that resistance isn't their enemy but their trainer, building the strength needed for sustainable change. Stressing the significance of resolutions over mere success motivates leaders and helps them stay focused on their purpose.

As you move toward your resolutions this year, leverage these three elements: the wisdom to recognize the significance of your priorities, the understanding that resistance builds rather than blocks your path and the rhythm of rest that sustains your journey. In doing so, you might find yourself not just among the 5% who achieve their resolutions, but among the few who transform resistance into resilience, creating lasting change that extends far beyond the new year.

The path through resistance isn't just about reaching goals – it's about becoming someone capable of achieving and sustaining them. Like my journey from spinal crisis to renewed strength through swimming and eventual return to running, your path forward may require adaptation, patience, and a willingness to embrace the resistance that shapes your resilience. Remember, each lap in the pool, each minute on the treadmill, each moment of choosing patience over anger or trust over control – these are the resistance training moments that build the strength to turn resolutions into reality.

The Power of Vulnerability: When Not Knowing Unlocks Everything

Unsplash @reddfrancisco

Fear of Asking Simple Questions Reveals a Universal Leadership Challenge

In a recent coaching session, a data analyst named John shared a common challenge: hesitating to ask "basic" questions about his work and fearing colleague judgment. Despite being highly competent in analyzing complex datasets, he was stuck on a simple question about payment methods in his current project. His reluctance to ask was potentially limiting his understanding and the project's overall impact.

This scenario mirrors a paradox many professionals face. We strive to appear competent and knowledgeable, yet this desire can prevent us from accessing deeper insights and stronger relationships that come through vulnerable moments of asking what we don't know.

What holds us back?

Often, the voice suggests we 'should already know this' or worries that others might question our expertise. But it's important to remember that it's okay not to know everything. We craft elaborate ways to avoid revealing gaps in our knowledge, spending more energy hiding what we don't know than learning what we need to know.

But here's the breakthrough: Something remarkable happens when we dare to ask those seemingly basic questions. One question often cascades into a rich, multi-layered conversation that nobody anticipated. A simple query about a payment method might unlock new project possibilities, reveal unexpected process improvements, or highlight overlooked opportunities. This is the power of your question, the empowerment that comes from sparking a conversation that leads to new insights.

Think of questions as keys that unlock doors to mutual discovery. When you ask a question, you're not just seeking information – you're creating space for collaborative thinking. Your vulnerability often encourages others to share their uncertainties, leading to more authentic and productive discussions.

Consider trying this: In your next meeting, shift your mindset from "I need to prove what I know" to "I wonder what I might learn here." Approach each interaction with genuine curiosity about what new perspective or insight you might gain. Whether you're meeting with a senior leader or a peer, there's always something valuable to discover if you're brave enough to ask.

Start small. Choose one question you've been hesitating to ask. Frame it as an opportunity for mutual learning rather than a display of what you don't know. You might be surprised that your question triggers a domino effect of insights, leading to deeper understanding for everyone involved.

Remember, vulnerability in professional settings isn't about exposing weaknesses – it's about opening doors to stronger relationships, better solutions, and unexpected breakthroughs. The risk of momentary discomfort is often far outweighed by the rewards of deeper connection and discovery.

Your Challenge: Take on this social experiment. In your next five meetings, intentionally ask one question that makes you feel slightly vulnerable. Track how these questions impact the conversation, what discoveries emerge, and how relationships deepen. This simple practice might become a transformative habit that builds confidence, strengthens teamwork, and sparks innovation.

Your next "basic" question might be the key that unlocks your team's next big breakthrough.

Beyond New Year's Resolutions: The Art of Leadership Listening

The Art of Leadership Listening Reveals the Secret to Meaningful Impact

As we step into 2025, many leaders are on the lookout for ways to make a significant impact in their organizations. While the usual resolutions tend to revolve around metrics and deliverables, a compelling alternative is gaining traction: the art of intentional listening. This fresh approach, in contrast to the traditional ones, has the potential to bring about a more profound and meaningful change.

Consider Jamie, a learning and development consultant who discovered that his greatest professional impact comes not from speaking but from creating space for others to share their stories. "I find enjoyment just sitting back, listening. I'll have a cup of coffee and just say, 'Tell me about you,'" he reflects. This simple yet profound approach has transformed his ability to support organizational growth and development.

The key lies in what Jamie calls "being in the moment" – fully present and genuinely curious about others' experiences and aspirations. This practice isn't just about hearing words; it's about understanding the deeper motivations and values that drive people's goals and decisions.

For leaders looking to enhance their impact in 2025, here's a practical framework:

Start with passion. Begin conversations by asking what excites people about the year ahead. This will open the door to authentic dialogue and reveal underlying motivations.

Practice the two-minute rule. When someone shares their goals or challenges, commit to listening for two full minutes before responding. This creates space for deeper reflection and demonstrates genuine interest.

Follow the thread. Instead of jumping to solutions, ask thoughtful follow-up questions to help people explore their thinking. The right question at the right time can lead to powerful insights.

Build trust gradually. Remember that deeper conversations require established relationships. Start with surface-level exchanges and progressively build toward more meaningful discussions as trust develops.

What makes this approacH powerful is its simplicity.

It doesn't demand complex strategies or extensive resources – just the willingness to be present and curious. As Jamie discovered, the most impactful leadership moments sometimes come from simply creating space for others to share their stories and aspirations. This simplicity makes intentional listening a highly accessible and appealing tool for any leader.

As you chart your course for 2025, consider making intentional listening a cornerstone of your leadership practice. Understanding others' perspectives and motivations can yield returns far beyond traditional goal-setting approaches, paving the way for lasting impact through stronger relationships and deeper understanding.

What's Your Leadership Tool Stack?

Unsplash @chuklanov

Leading teams is like trying to build blindfolded – you can feel the pieces moving, but without clear insight, you're working in the dark. Understanding ourselves and our people is often the most challenging yet crucial aspect of leadership. While we can master technical skills through practice and study, the human element – with all its complexities, emotions, and unique perspectives requires different tools altogether.

Twenty-five years ago, my journey into these human dynamics began when my Vistage coach introduced me to the DISC assessment, followed closely by exploring Myers-Briggs with a mentor. What struck me most was the consistency – my MBTI type has remained ENTP through multiple assessments across a quarter century, and my StrengthsFinder results have shown similar stability. This reliability isn't just coincidence; it's what psyshometricians call high test-retest reliability, a crucial marker of assessment quality. (Russell’s 14 page paper - HPI, FIRO-B, and TKI are reliable and valid assessments)

Let's explore some key leadership assessment tools and their specific applications:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Purpose: Identifies personality preferences across four dimensions, helping people understand their natural tendencies in processing information, making decisions, and interacting with others. Pros: Widely recognized, easy to understand, extensive research base Cons: Can lead to "boxing" people into types, sometimes oversimplified Best for: Individual development, team communication improvement. Sample MBTI

Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) Purpose: Measures normal personality traits and predicts job performance Pros: Strong predictive validity for workplace performance, comprehensive reporting, robust scientific foundation Cons: Requires significant training to administer, more expensive than some alternatives Best for: Talent acquisition, Executive coaching, leadership development, succession planning. Sample: HPI Overview , HPI Insights

Workplace Big 5 Purpose: Measures five fundamental personality dimensions in work contexts Pros: Research-based, stable measurements, strong validity Cons: Can be complex to interpret, requires skilled facilitation Best for: Talent acquisition, Leadership development, team composition, career planning. Sample: Big 5 Individual Trait , Group Insights, Leadership Competency

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) Purpose: Assesses how people typically handle conflict through five modes Pros: Practical application, easy to understand, non-judgmental framework Cons: Limited scope, focuses solely on conflict handling Best for: Team development, conflict management training. Sample: TKI Individual, TKI Team

FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior) Purpose: Measures interpersonal needs and behaviors in three areas: inclusion, control, and affection Pros: Reveals underlying motivations, helpful for relationship building Cons: Can be manipulated, requires careful interpretation Best for: Emerging leaders, management development, team dynamics. Sample: FIRO-B for Organizations

Birkman Method Purpose: Assesses personality, social perception, and occupational interests Pros: Comprehensive view of behavior and needs, excellent for team dynamics Cons: Complex interpretation, requires certified consultant Best for: Team workshops, career development, organizational planning. Sample: Russell Verhey’s Birkman (Bonus), Individual Basic, Basic Group Report

360-Degree Feedback Purpose: Gathers multi-source feedback on leadership behaviors Pros: Provides comprehensive feedback, identifies blind spots Cons: Can be time-consuming, requires careful administration Best for: Leadership development, coaching intensives, performance improvement. Sample: CCL Benchmark 360, Korn Ferry 360, Birkman 360, Hogan 360, Advance Custom

Team Primary

StrengthsFinder (Gallup CliftonStrengths) Purpose: Identifies an individual's top 5 talents from 34 themes, emphasizing natural strengths rather than fixing weaknesses Pros: Research-backed, positive approach, practical for team composition Cons: May overlook development needs, requires coaching for best results. Best for: Career development, team role alignment, leveraging natural talents Sample: Clifton’s 34 Strengths

Choosing Your Tools

Like any craftsperson, leaders need to select the right tool for the job. Consider these questions when selecting an assessment:

  1. What specific insight are you seeking?

  2. What's the context – individual development, team building, or organizational change?

  3. Who will interpret the results? (Some tools require certified facilitators)

  4. What's your budget and timeline?

  5. How will you apply the insights gained?

Remember that these tools are only as effective as the facilitator interpreting them. A skilled practitioner can help you derive meaningful insights and create actionable development plans.

Next Steps

Whether you're looking to enhance your leadership capabilities, improve team dynamics, or develop your organization, consider starting with one of these proven tools. For those new to leadership assessments, MBTI or Strength Finders provide accessible entry points. For deeper insights, especially in executive coaching contexts, the Hogan or Birkman assessments offer comprehensive perspectives.

The key is to match the tool to your specific needs and ensure you have qualified support in interpreting and applying the results. Consider consulting with experienced facilitators who can guide you in selecting and utilizing the right assessment for your situation.

Remember, these tools aren't about putting people in boxes – they're about opening doors to greater self-awareness, improved communication, and enhanced leadership effectiveness. The right tool, in the right hands, can unlock new potentials in your leadership journey.

Stats: Assessments, 1-1 and Team Debrief, as of 2024

  • MBTI - 250+

  • Hogan - 25+

  • Big 5 - 300+

  • FIRO - 200+

  • TKI - 100+

  • Birkman - 500+ 1-1, Teams, & Workshops

  • 360 - 500+ 1-1s

  • Strengths - 100+ 1-1, Teams, & Workshops

Balancing Achievement Drive with Sustainable Leadership

Unsplash @santesson89

The relentless drive for achievement that propels many executives to success can become their greatest challenge in building sustainable leadership careers. As illustrated in a recent executive coaching session, high-performing leaders often struggle to find the right balance between seizing every opportunity and maintaining personal sustainability.

The session revealed a common pattern: when presented with compelling opportunities, ambitious leaders often default to "if it's physically possible, I'll make it happen" - even when already operating at capacity. While this approach demonstrates impressive capability and dedication, it can lead to periods of burnout, strained relationships, and missed opportunities for developing others.

One executive reflected, "I don't want to be the kind of leader who'll do everything all the time and then burn out at some point, leaving everyone else to deal with the fallout." This insight highlights a critical inflection point many leaders face: recognizing that long-term impact requires more than just personal heroics.

“I don’t want to be the kind of leader who’ll do everything all the time and then burn out at some point, leaving everyone else to deal with the fallout.”
— John C - CFO

The primary challenge emerges around calibrating ambition - learning to say no to good opportunities so you can say yes to great ones, while building sustainable practices that allow for recovery and growth. This includes developing the capacity to delegate meaningful work and creating space for others to develop their capabilities.

For leaders grappling with this balance, consider these reflective questions:

1. How might your drive for achievement be limiting your organization's overall capability by inadvertently stunting others' growth opportunities?

2. What would it look like to measure your success not just by what you personally accomplish, but by the capability you build in others?

3. Where in your current role are you saying "yes" out of pride or habit rather than strategic necessity?

A practical next step is to identify one significant project or responsibility that you can thoughtfully transition to another team member over the next quarter. The goal isn't just delegation - it's creating space for others to develop while giving yourself room to operate at a more strategic level.

Remember, sustainable leadership isn't about doing less - it's about accomplishing more through others while maintaining personal effectiveness over the long term. By learning to balance achievement drive with sustainability, leaders can build lasting impact that extends beyond their personal capacity.

The most successful leaders understand that their legacy isn't measured by how many challenges they personally overcome, but by how many capable leaders they develop along the way.

The Silent Power of Emerging Leaders: Reflections from Coast to Coast

Unsplash @anniespratt

In a week spanning from the mountains of West Virginia to the shores of California, I witnessed the unmistakable pulse of emerging leadership across America. Through team building at a university, coaching sessions with a thirty-something manufacturing executive in Ohio, and facilitating educator training in California, I observed a common thread that binds aspiring leaders: the delicate balance between boundless passion and persistent self-doubt.

One conversation particularly stands out – a meeting with an emerging manager whose words were punctuated with the recurring phrase, "I want to be..." Her story revealed an internal struggle between professional ambition and self-confidence that echoed across countless similar conversations. From coast to coast, I encountered individuals rich in opinions and passion yet tethered by their internal skepticism.

What struck me most was that these emerging leaders weren't seeking grand revelations or profound wisdom. The most powerful support often came in the form of quiet presence – a hand on the shoulder, a moment of genuine listening, an unspoken acknowledgment of their potential. Their self-criticism had become a lens through which they viewed their world and relationships, creating invisible barriers to their growth.

The depth of these encounters revealed itself in private conversations: a professional who rose from a childhood in the welfare system, another who found strength after early abandonment and adoption, and a Philippine immigrant navigating the complex maze of language, education, and economic challenges. These weren't just stories of survival; they were powerful testimonies to resilience, agility, and adaptability that can inspire and motivate us all.

Yet, a crucial insight emerged: these individuals don't seek to be problems to be fixed. Their repeated reference to 'the leader I want to be'speaks to an aspirational mindset – a genuine desire for growth and development. This realization calls for a shift in how we approach mentorship and leadership development. Perhaps the most profound impact comes not from providing solutions but from creating space for authentic expression through thoughtful questions and active listening, a practice that can make individuals feel valued and respected.

These encounters serve as powerful reminders to pause and reflect on our journey of becoming. The most transformative mentorship often lies in the unspoken words, in the spaces between conversations where trust builds and confidence grows. As we guide the next generation of leaders, we might find that their stories of determination and dreams inspire our development as leaders and human beings.

Defining Moments - Why My Passion For Leadership

Defining moments often emerge from our deepest valleys, shaping who we become and how we impact others. Personal suffering and professional setbacks can transform into purpose and wisdom.

My story weaves through pivotal moments:

  • Launching a business during COVID's uncertainty in 2020

  • Experiencing severe burnout from over-commitment in 2010.

  • Witnessing his father's professional rise and fall in my teenage years

Perhaps the most poignant moment comes from watching his father's entrepreneurial journey – from sketching business plans at the dining room table to building a company of 150 employees, only to face the crushing reality of being fired. This experience, particularly the soul-searching conversations between father and son during our seminal walks along the river, planted seeds that would later bloom into my calling to work with CEOs.

Reflective Challenge:

Take a moment to consider your watershed moments. Which experiences of suffering or setbacks have unexpectedly shaped your path? Think about:

- Times when apparent failure led to unexpected growth

- Moments of personal crisis that revealed hidden strength

- Painful experiences that now inform how you help others

- Conversations that shifted your life's trajectory

What story of suffering is currently being transformed into purpose in your life?

The Echo of Appreciation: Reflections on Gratitude's Ripple Effect

Unsplash @jplenio

A Father's Words, Thirty Years in Waiting

Last week, amidst the seasoned faces of construction leaders, I recounted a memory that has left an indelible mark on my soul for three decades. On my wedding day, my father, for the first time in my memory, uttered three words that had long been silent: "I love you." The weight of that moment still reverberates within me, a defining moment that shaped the man, husband, father, and leader I would become. A marker to the transformative power of gratitude in my life and work.

The Construction Site of the Soul

When I asked these leaders how such an experience might shape one's approach to fatherhood, their divided response spoke volumes. Half believed such emotional scarcity might breed abundance, while the others thought it could perpetuate the cycle of restraint. Their split reflection mirrors how our past experiences shape our choices.

Where do you think I landed?

After knowing the lack, I hope to be man at work and at home of encouragement, recognition, and appreciation. Yet, I readily acknowledge, I’m a work in progress aspiring to these ideals. Today, I hope my children's stories paint a different picture – one of love freely given, of openly expressed appreciation. We each carry a template for showing gratitude, shaped by our experiences but not bound by them. At home, it manifests as warmth and verbal affection. In the rugged world of construction leadership or any other hardline workplace, it takes on different forms – not through group hugs or tears, but through consistently recognizing value and worth.

How would others describe your generosity of appreciation?

The Currency of Recognition

The fundamental shift in how we express appreciation at home or work begins with a profound realization: feedback should be rooted in what people need, not what we judge they deserve. It's easy to withhold praise, to say, "Why celebrate meeting basic expectations? Isn't a paycheck enough?" At home, we might think, "Why acknowledge small improvements when there's still so much room for growth?"

However, this mindset of scarcity, always seeking out what's wrong, can blind us to the small victories that truly deserve celebration. The real challenge lies in spotting these glimmers of progress even when surrounded by imperfection. It's these small victories that pave the way for larger triumphs, and it's this recognition that can keep us encouraged and hopeful.

The Season's Shadow Side

As we enter the holiday season, this message carries particular weight. These shorter days often cast longer shadows on our psyches. Many carry hidden burdens—regrets, disappointments, heartaches—that grow heavier during this reflective time. The natural response might be to work harder, to outrun these thoughts, but perhaps there's another way.

After a year of conducting over 100 leadership coaching sessions and 360-degree reviews, one truth stands clear: feedback in the form of genuine appreciation can illuminate even our darkest moments. We all know set backs, missed deadlines, and lost opportunities. These moment in our year carry a weight if not acknowledged for the good they produce. Feedback forms connection that can make us feel less alone, less burdened, and more supported.

Building Bridges Through Acknowledgment

The season's dark moments need not define us. Instead, it can remind us of our power to be an encourager, shining for others, to practice the kind of generous appreciation that creates ripples far beyond our immediate circle. Whether through a simple acknowledgment, a moment of genuine praise, or a recognition of progress amid struggle, we can break cycles of emotional scarcity and create new patterns of abundant appreciation.

As we gather around Thanksgiving tables and move through the holiday season, perhaps we can challenge ourselves to look beyond the surface, recognize the quiet battles others may be fighting, and offer the gift of genuine appreciation—not because it's deserved but because it's needed.

As I reflect, I needed those words years ago. My dad passed several years ago, he had the courage to change, learning to be generous with his love and appreciation. It’s a blessing and a model for me to do the same.

Feedback is a gift! Whether At Home or Work, Your appreciation matters….share it with someone who needs it most today!

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes other will be refreshed.
— Proverbs 11:25

The Weight and Wisdom of Executive Leadership

In these final weeks of 2024, I've had the privilege of coaching dozens of leaders, half of these executives managing billion-dollar decisions, and hundreds of employees. These conversations have revealed a profound truth about leadership at the highest levels: with great power comes responsibility and an intense personal investment in outcomes. This personal investment, often overlooked, is a testament to the dedication and sacrifice these leaders make.

These leaders approach their roles with decisive assertiveness, drawing on years of experience and an unwavering drive toward innovation. Yet, what stands out is how deeply personal their work becomes. Missed deadlines, unmet quotas, and unreached goals aren't just business metrics—they're taken as personal setbacks. This dedication drives success but can also exact a steep price.

The cost of leadership often manifests in overlooked priorities, neglected relationships, and compromised personal health. Consider this: if you consistently have unused PTO at year's end, are you inadvertently prioritizing work over family and well-being? The implications are worth examining.

This brings us to a critical inflection point in leadership development: accountability. As leaders ascend the corporate ladder, three essential questions emerge:

  • - Who challenges your thinking?

  • - Who has veto power over your decisions?

  • - Who provides alternative perspectives in your life?

Counter-intuitively, effective high-level leadership requires surrendering some autonomy. It means actively granting stakeholders, mentors, and coaches permission to speak into your life and work. This vulnerability, rather than weakening leadership, strengthens it.

The path forward requires careful evaluation:

1. Assess what's at stake in your current decisions

2. Consider the long-term impact of today's commitments

3. Identify whose counsel might lead to better outcomes

4. Take inventory of your commitments, decisions, and priorities

5. Evaluate the trusted voices in your life who can serve as sounding boards, guides, and even occasional vetoes

This process isn't just about better decision-making but sustainable leadership. It’s a balance of Grit and Grace. Leaders can move forward with greater confidence and effectiveness by establishing a network of trusted advisors and maintaining the humility to heed their input.

Remember: the strongest leaders aren't those who carry the weight alone, but those who know when and whom to trust for guidance.

The Negativity Paradox: Clear in Others, Invisible in Self

The Silent Weight of Workplace Negativity: My Research Journey

My path into studying workplace negativity wasn't planned—I was thrown into the lion's den of organizational toxicity during my PhD research. What started as an academic pursuit quickly revealed a universal challenge plaguing organizations across sectors.

Through interviewing twelve high-level executives, including six CEOs managing thousands of employees, I uncovered disturbing patterns. Three executives physically collapsed from the weight of organizational negativity, with two requiring hospitalization. These weren't isolated incidents—they highlighted three critical findings:

1. Negativity's impact transcends industry boundaries, affecting everything from healthcare to construction

2. Even seasoned leaders aren't immune to its effects, as demonstrated by the physical collapse of experienced executives

3. We systematically underestimate our personal absorption of negative energy while readily identifying it in others

This paradox became the cornerstone of my research: our ability to spot negativity's impact on colleagues while remaining blind to its effect on ourselves. It's this unconscious absorption that makes workplace negativity particularly dangerous—like a silent weight that accumulates until it becomes too heavy to bear.

My findings reveal an urgent need for new approaches to recognize and address negativity before it reaches crisis levels. The physical toll on these executives serves as a stark warning about the real costs of unmanaged workplace toxicity.

Rest, Reset, Spiral Up: Learning Leadership in Real Time

As I celebrate the release of my book Spiraling Up, I find myself living its principles in real-time. With a demanding 9-week travel and leadership training schedule, it took a Colorado snowstorm and my wife's gentle reminder to recognize that I needed rest. A few sharp comments revealed that fatigue of my own pace and external factors from all happening around me was setting in, and negativity surfaced around those closest to me—time for a pause, self-reflection, and self-leadership after a good nap.

My experience reinforces one of the book's core insights: we often don't realize how much negativity we've absorbed until it surfaces unexpectedly. I'm thankful for the feedback that keeps me accountable to the leadership I strive to embody at home and work.

Negativity is subtle. It accumulates quietly and can impact us exponentially. If you're wrestling with its effects in your professional life, Spiraling Up offers a pathway toward positive transformation. I invite you to engage with the book, reflect on your own experiences with negativity, and join me in this journey toward shaping a positive culture around you. After all, I'm not just the author—I'm also a practitioner learning alongside you.

Spiraling Up Launch! - Watch the 90 Second Trailer

Whether you are a seasoned executive looking to reinvigorate a stagnant culture or a new manager seeking to build a foundation of positivity from the ground up, 'Spiraling Up' is designed to be your guide, your toolkit, and your inspiration on this transformative journey. The book is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1 - Focuses on understanding workplace negativity

  • Part 2 - Delves into the SPIRAL framework - 6 strategies for addressing it

  • Part 3 - Provides practical steps for transforming it.

Each chapter will be concluded with a summary of insights, reflection questions, and a team exercise, creating a real-time response for leaders with their teams.

Together, we will explore the art and science of authentic leadership, the power of reframing negative mindsets, and the practical steps you can take to cultivate a workplace culture that brings out the best in everyone.  

So, let us embark on this journey together as we uncover the secrets of 'Spiraling Up' and unlock the full potential of our teams, our organizations, and ourselves as leaders in an ever-changing world. With your dedication, compassion, and steadfast commitment to positive change, we can transform even the most challenging workplace dynamics and create organizations that thrive in adversity.  

Spiraling-Up is like a “break glass in case of emergency” kit for culture change.
— Michael Brunner Senior Director R&D Strategy at Kimberly-Clark

Why Spiraling Up: A 40-Minute Interview with Dr. Russell Verhey at NLC

In a compelling interview at New Life Church, Dr. Russell Verhey shares the deeply personal journey that led to his groundbreaking book, "Spiraling Up." From navigating the challenges of starting a business during COVID to discovering how workplace suffering can fuel transformative purpose, Dr. Verhey's story resonates with leaders seeking authentic paths to cultural change.

The conversation weaves through pivotal moments that shaped his understanding of workplace dynamics:

  • Putting Down Roots: Dr. Verhey opens up about the foundational experiences from GA-CO that grounded his faith, family, and relationship.

  • Passion for Leadership: His journey from experiencing workplace negativity firsthand to developing a passion for helping others navigate similar challenges.

  • Defining Moments: How personal trials became the catalyst for understanding that passion truly informs purpose.

  • COVID Business Launch: The unexpected insights gained from during global uncertainty.

  • Negativity's Impact: Research-backed findings on how negativity affects workplace culture and performance.

  • TRIBE Leadership Model: Introduction to his innovative framework for authentic leadership, encompassing Transparency, Reflection, Integrity, Balance, and Empowerment.

What sets this interview apart is Dr. Verhey's vulnerability in sharing how his faith journey intertwines with his professional mission. He reveals how the Lord continually leads him into deeper places of trust, informing his approach as both a Workplace Psychologist and leadership coach.

For leaders wrestling with cultural transformation, this interview offers both practical frameworks and leadership insights for the journey ahead.

Watch the full interview to discover how workplace suffering can become the foundation for positive change:

"Spiraling Up" launches on Amazon Friday November 1st:

The Perils of the Executive Utility Player: Balancing Reactivity and Proactivity

Unsplash @silverkblack

you're a limited commodity with unlimited potential

I was talking to one of my buddies on his 55th birthday. We were reflecting on our 30-year friendship. We've shared a lot of life together. In our celebration, we also had a moment of sobriety. We discussed the dangers of dabbling in this season of our lives and work. We can put our hands on many things and have a long history of doing so. Yet, it may or may not be the best utilization of our time and talent.

I live and work full-heartedly. I enjoy challenges, being stretched, reaching summits, or crossing finish lines. Yet, I'm coming to terms with the fact that although I have great capacity, I'm still a limited commodity. There's only so much of me to go around.

If I can be honest, the same goes for you too.

In my coaching conversations, I often find executives adopting a 'utility player' approach - a term borrowed from sports, referring to a player who can handle various tasks and responsibilities. This versatility can be an asset, but it often comes at a significant cost to strategic leadership and personal well-being. The experiences of two executives I coach, Tom and David, illustrate the challenges many face in similar positions.

Tom, a CFO in a private equity-backed company, constantly juggles multiple roles. From handling complex financial matters to overseeing operations and even dealing with audits, his days are filled with putting out fires. “I’m a fire fighter” and "I'm like a wood chipper," Tom jokes. Just grab those scraps and drop them in, and it comes out the other side done." While seemingly productive, this reactive approach leaves little time for strategic thinking and long-term planning.

Similarly, David, an associate executive director at a statewide association, wears many hats—from lobbying and consulting to managing the organization's website and communications. He admits, "The amount of responsibility the executive team has is silly. It's crazy the stuff our team gets done." This breadth of responsibility, while impressive, often keeps David and his executive team trapped in a cycle of reactive management rather than proactive leadership.

The danger in this utility player approach lies in the imbalance between reactive and proactive work. Tom and David spend most of their time responding to immediate needs and crises, leaving little energy for forward-thinking leadership. This pattern can lead to several negative outcomes:

To break this cycle, executives need to consciously shift their focus from being the go-to problem solver to being strategic leaders. This might involve:

By acknowledging the challenges of the executive utility player role and actively striving to balance reactive and proactive work, leaders like Tom and David can significantly improve their effectiveness and guide their organizations toward sustainable success. This realization can bring a sense of relief, knowing there is a way out of the utility player trap and a path to more strategic leadership.

Coming Up in the Executive Insight Series

As an academic-practitioner, I'm lifting my head for own perspective. I've been heads down finising my PhD course work, writing a book, facilitating leadership trainings, and coaching a rotation of 30-40 leaders annually. From my diverse global coaching conversation I've identied themes, lessons, and practices from a collective of hundreds of hours of executive coaching this past year.  

These conversations have inspired the Executive Insights Series. Next, we'll dive into "Getting perspective: First things first." This article will build on our ideas, focusing on how executives can prioritize their efforts and gain the clarity needed to lead strategically. We'll examine practical techniques for stepping back from the day-to-day grind, assessing what truly matters, and aligning actions with long-term goals. By putting first things first, leaders can break free from the reactive cycle and chart a course toward more impactful and fulfilling leadership. Stay tuned...

Start a Coaching Conversation

If you or your fellow team members are caught in the executive utility player trap, it's time to break free and reclaim your role as a strategic leader. Don't let another day pass drowning in reactive tasks at the expense of your long-term vision and personal well-being. Taking action to transition to a strategic leader can empower you and put you back in control of your leadership journey. Consider partnering with a coach, as their support can be the game-changer you need.

The journey from utility player to visionary leader isn't one you have to walk alone. Support is available in the form of coaching. If you know a coach, reach out today to start a conversation. This support can make your transition to a strategic leader less daunting and more manageable. Your future self will thank you for taking this crucial step.

Looking for a coach but need help figuring out where to start? My team and I are available for a limited time to help executives like you transform their approach to leadership. (See what I did there!)

Take action now to reclaim your time, refocus your energy, and reignite your passion for leadership. Your team, your organization, and your well-being will all benefit.

Remember, you're a limited commodity with unlimited potential. It's time to invest in yourself and your leadership journey. Reach out to a coach today and take the first step towards becoming the strategic leader you're meant to be.

Russell Verhey, PhD, PCC

Maximizing the Impact of Your Leadership 360 Feedback

Maximizing the Impact of Your Leadership 360 Feedback

Receiving a Leadership 360 report is not just a milestone, but a transformative moment in your professional journey. Having worked with numerous leaders and delved into empirical studies on the impact of self-awareness through feedback, I can attest to the profound power of this tool when approached with the right mindset.

The Gift of Feedback

First and foremost, it's crucial to view your 360 report as a rare and precious gift. Your colleagues and team members have invested their time and energy to provide you with valuable insights into your leadership style, strengths, and areas for growth. This feedback is a unique opportunity to see yourself through the eyes of others and gain a more comprehensive understanding of your impact as a leader.

Qualitative and Quantitative Insights

Your 360 report likely contains both qualitative and quantitative feedback. The quantitative data provides a measurable snapshot of your performance across various leadership competencies, while the qualitative comments offer context and specific examples. Both types of feedback are valuable and should be considered in tandem.

Studies have consistently shown that leaders who actively seek and reflect on feedback demonstrate higher levels of self-awareness, which correlates with improved team performance, better decision-making, and enhanced overall leadership effectiveness.

Focusing Your Development Efforts

While the temptation to address every area in your report may be strong, research suggests that focusing on 2-3 key competencies provides a clear and guided path to significant improvements. Here's how to approach this:

  1. Identify patterns: Look for themes that emerge across both quantitative ratings and qualitative comments.

  2. Consider impact: Which competencies, if improved, would have the most substantial positive effect on your team and organization?

  3. Leverage strengths: The most impactful growth sometimes comes from further developing an existing strength.

Once you've selected your focus areas, it's time to dig deeper. Seek additional feedback from trusted colleagues to gain more specific insights into these competencies. This targeted approach allows for a more nuanced understanding and lays the groundwork for effective development planning.

Crafting Your Professional Development Plan

You're ready to create a professional development plan with your focus areas identified and supplementary feedback gathered. This plan should be:

  1. Specific: Clearly define what success looks like for each competency.

  2. Actionable: Include concrete steps you'll take to improve.

  3. Measurable: Determine how you'll track progress.

  4. Time-bound: Set realistic timelines for achieving your goals.

Share this plan with your manager, mentor, or coach. Their input can help refine your approach and ensure alignment with organizational goals. Moreover, sharing your plan demonstrates your commitment to growth and can foster valuable support for your development journey.

Productive vs. Counterproductive Responses

To make the most of your 360 feedback, it's essential to approach it with the right mindset. Here's a contrast between common counterproductive responses and more effective alternatives:


  • Dismissing feedback as inaccurate or biased

  • Focusing solely on negative comments

  • Attempting to identify who said what

  • Becoming defensive or making excuses


  • Expressing gratitude for the feedback

  • Looking for patterns and themes across all comments

  • Focusing on actions and behaviors, not personal attributes

  • Seeking clarification and additional examples to deepen understanding

The Path Forward

Remember, self-awareness is an ongoing journey. Your 360 report is not a final judgment but a snapshot in time and a tool for growth. Leaders who embrace this feedback and commit to continuous improvement often report increased job satisfaction, better relationships with their teams, and enhanced overall performance.

As you progress, maintain an open dialogue about your development efforts with your colleagues. Regularly solicit informal feedback to gauge your progress and adjust your approach. This ongoing commitment to growth benefits you as a leader and sets a powerful example for your entire team.

By approaching your Leadership 360 report with openness, focus, and a commitment to action, you're positioning yourself for significant personal and professional growth. Embrace this opportunity, and watch as your enhanced self-awareness translates into more effective and impactful leadership.

Courage in Leadership: Mastering the Art of Upward Feedback

Unsplash @pttiedu

How One Leader Overcame His Fears to Address Crucial Issues

As leaders, we often find ourselves in situations where we need to provide feedback - not just to our direct reports but also to our superiors. This upward feedback can be particularly challenging, as it requires courage, tact, and a delicate balance of respect and honesty. Austin, a manufacturing plant manager at a large automotive plant, recently faced such a dilemma when he needed to address his boss's negative comments about hourly workers.

Austin's situation is not uncommon. Many leaders struggle with giving feedback to their superiors, fearing potential repercussions or damaging the relationship. However, these crucial conversations, when handled thoughtfully, can lead to positive outcomes, fostering team morale, productivity, and organizational culture.

So, how can leaders overcome their fears and effectively provide feedback to their bosses? Here are some key strategies:

1. Gain clarity: Before initiating the conversation, ensure you clearly understand the issue at hand. Austin reflected on specific instances where his boss's comments were problematic, allowing him to articulate the situation more effectively.

2. Use a structured approach: Employ a feedback model like SBI (Situation, Behavior, Impact) to frame your message. This helps keep the feedback objective and focused on specific behaviors rather than personal judgments.

3. Practice and prepare: Rehearse your feedback alone or with a trusted colleague or coach. This can help you refine your message and boost your confidence.

4. Choose the right time and place: Timing is crucial when delivering feedback. Find an appropriate moment when your boss will likely be receptive and not rushed or stressed.

5. Ask for permission: Start the conversation by asking if it's a good time to share observations or feedback. This shows respect and allows the recipient to be mentally prepared.

6. Focus on the impact: Clearly articulate how the behavior affects you, the team, and the organization. Austin realized that his boss's negative comments were demotivating other team members and potentially harming the company's culture change efforts.

7. Offer solutions: Come prepared with suggestions for improvement or alternative approaches. This demonstrates a constructive mindset and shows you're committed to finding solutions.

8. Be open to dialogue: Feedback is a two-way street. Be prepared to listen to your boss's perspective and engage in a meaningful conversation about the issue.

9. Follow up: Discuss progress and any changes observed after the initial conversation. This reinforces the importance of the feedback and shows your commitment to ongoing improvement.

While giving feedback to your boss can be daunting, it's an essential skill for effective leadership. By addressing issues head-on, you contribute to a more positive work environment and demonstrate your commitment to the organization's success.

Austin's journey reminds us that growth often lies outside our comfort zone. As he prepared to have this crucial conversation with his superior, he faced his fears and took a significant step in his leadership development. By modeling the behavior of giving constructive feedback, Austin set an example for his team and contributed to a culture of open communication.

Remember, providing upward feedback isn't about criticism; it's about you, as a leader, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and mutual respect. Your role in this can strengthen relationships, improve organizational effectiveness, and showcase your leadership capabilities when done thoughtfully and professionally.

So, the next time you find yourself hesitating to give feedback to your boss, remember Austin's experience. Take a deep breath, prepare thoroughly, and step forward with confidence. Your courage to have these difficult conversations may catalyze positive organizational change.

For more Insights articles on leadership, coaching, and mentoring, visit If you prefer Podcasts, listen to our latest episode of Mentor Leadership.

Enjoy your next feedback conversation!

Taking the First Steps to Becoming a Mentor: A Guide for Seasoned Leaders

great mentors aren't born – they're developed through practice, reflection, and a genuine desire to help others succeed.

As seasoned leaders, we often reach a point in our careers where we want to give back and share our wealth of experience. Mentorship offers a powerful way to do this, and the sense of fulfillment it brings is unparalleled. Transitioning into a mentoring role can be challenging, but it's a journey worth embarking on. Inspired by a recent coaching session with Holly, a veteran project leader in the biotech industry, here are some critical steps to begin your journey as a mentor.

Start with Small Talk and Build Rapport

The foundation of any successful mentoring relationship is trust and rapport. Holly realized that her first step was to avoid diving into formal mentoring programs and engaging in more casual interactions with potential mentees. By spending time in common areas like the office atrium or break room, she could initiate low-pressure conversations about upcoming holidays or weekend plans. These seemingly simple exchanges can open doors to deeper connections.

Practice Active Listening

As leaders, we're often accustomed to providing solutions and directing others. However, effective mentorship requires a shift in mindset. Holly recognized that she needed to focus more on listening than telling. Mentors can help mentees discover their own solutions and insights by asking open-ended questions such as 'What do you think is the best approach to this situation?' or 'How do you feel about the outcome?' and truly hearing the responses.

Be Approachable and Accessible

Holly discovered that some younger colleagues seemed nervous about approaching her despite her years of experience. To counter this, she decided to make a conscious effort to be more visible and approachable. This might mean leaving her office door open, participating in company social events, or simply smiling and greeting colleagues in the hallway. Being approachable and accessible is key to fostering a comfortable and open mentoring relationship.

Reflect on Your Own Experiences

Before jumping into mentorship, take time to reflect on your career journey. What challenges did you face? What lessons did you learn the hard way? What do you wish someone had told you earlier in your career? These reflections can provide valuable insights to share with mentees, and they can also be a source of personal growth and insight for you as a mentor.

Start Informally Before Formalizing

Rather than immediately setting up structured mentoring sessions, begin with informal interactions. Offer to grab coffee with a younger colleague or invite someone to bounce ideas off you. These casual interactions can naturally evolve into more formal mentoring relationships over time.

Focus on Development, Not Problem-Solving

Holly realized that effective mentorship is more than solving a mentee's problems. Instead, it's about helping them develop the skills and mindset to tackle challenges. When mentees come to you with issues, resist the urge to provide solutions immediately. Instead, ask questions that guide them toward their conclusions.

Be Vulnerable and Authentic

Many seasoned leaders, like Holly, worry that showing emotion or admitting weaknesses might undermine their authority. However, sharing your struggles and how you overcame them can make you more relatable and create stronger connections with mentees. It's okay to let them know that leadership isn't always easy, even after years of experience.

Continually Learn and Adapt

As you begin your mentoring journey, remember that it's a learning experience for you, too. Be open to feedback, stay curious about new perspectives, and be willing to adapt your approach based on what works best for each mentee.

By taking these first steps, seasoned leaders can begin to transition into rewarding mentorship roles, sharing their valuable experience while continuing to grow and learn themselves. Remember, great mentors aren't born – they're developed through practice, reflection, and a genuine desire to help others succeed.

From Burnout to Breakthrough: A Healthcare Executive's Leadership Transformation

Unsplash @josealjovin

Learn Practical Strategies to Shift from Operational Firefighting to Strategic Leadership

In the complex realm of healthcare leadership, Anthony, a seasoned Chief Nursing Officer with over two decades of experience, found himself at a critical juncture. Despite his unwavering dedication to patient care and wealth of experience, he grappled with a unique set of challenges that not only questioned his commitment to his organization but also to the healthcare industry as a whole.

The landscape beneath Anthony's feet was constantly shifting. Organizational changes and high turnover rates made him feel like he was building on quicksand. The hospital system's strategic direction could have been more evident at best, leaving his team without a clear north star. Anthony often found himself pulled into operational tasks, needing help to focus on his broader executive responsibilities.

Anthony once found joy in seeing the direct results of his clinical work, but it was lost in endless meetings and institutional expectations. He felt cynical, punchy, and burned out. His story resonates beyond healthcare, echoing the experiences of many who have lost their joy and find themselves giving less than their best.

Recognizing the need for support, Anthony turned to executive coaching.

Through in-depth conversations and assessments, several key themes emerged:

1. Identity Shift: Anthony needed to evolve from "a nurse doing leadership" to "an executive leader with a nursing background."

2. Leveraging Strengths: He had a natural gift for storytelling and relationship-building, underutilized strengths that could inspire and align his team.

3. Communication Clarity: More intentional and consistent communication was needed to reduce confusion and build trust.

4. Strategic Focus: Anthony needed to protect time for strategic thinking and direction-setting.

5. Purposeful Problem-Solving: His passion for problem-solving needed better alignment with his executive role.

As the coaching journey unfolded, Anthony began to see a path forward. He realized that he could overcome his challenges and elevate his leadership by addressing these themes. The journey ahead would be arduous, but Anthony was ready to navigate the complexities of healthcare leadership with newfound clarity and purpose. This transformation, sparked by the power of executive coaching, serves as a beacon of hope for healthcare leaders facing similar challenges.

Key leadership lessons emerged:

1. Reconnecting with Joy: Anthony needed to reflect on what makes him smile and create small daily wins through relationship-building, problem-solving, and supporting his team's success.

2. Embracing Executive Identity: Fully stepping into his executive role would fundamentally shift his approach and effectiveness.

3. Clarity Amidst Chaos: Clear direction and consistent communication became crucial in constant change.

4. Consistency Builds Trust: Intentionally adapting his leadership style would create more consistency and build trust.

5. Strategic Time is Sacred: Protecting time for strategic thinking and relationship-building became a non-negotiable priority.

Anthony committed to three key actions:

1. Create a one-page "executive game plan" outlining his priorities, desired impact, and leadership approach.

2. Schedule protected time for strategic thinking and relationship-building.

3. Identify initiatives aligning his problem-solving passion with executive-level impact, empowering team members to lead implementation.

Anthony's story serves as a mirror for other leaders. You might find echoes of your challenges in his journey. Consider how you perceive your role as a leader, the consistency of your leadership style, and whether you're protecting time for strategic thinking.

Every leader's journey is unique, but the power of reflection, intentional growth, and targeted coaching is universal. If Anthony's story resonates with you, consider exploring how executive coaching might support your leadership evolution. Your next chapter of leadership excellence is waiting to be written. Are you ready to pick up the pen and apply these leadership lessons to your own journey?

Anthony is a pseudo-name for confidentiality to protect his story, yet his story is common. Today, I primarily coach executive leaders in healthcare, construction, banking, data science, biotech government, and non-profit sectors throughout the United States, with some global clients in Germany, London, and India. Such an article describing COVID-19 conditions could have been written in 2020-2021. Rather, it's 2024, and the primary internal leadership issues remain regardless of external factors. You may know an entrepreneur, an executive CXO, a Medical Practice leader, or a physician who would benefit from a thought partner to help them re-envision their leadership. If so, I will welcome the referral and a discovery conversation.

The Self-Care Reset: Fueling Your Personal and Professional Growth

Unsplash @minw

Back to Basics: Getting Clear on the Essentials

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of work, family, and personal responsibilities, often neglecting the most essential aspect of our lives: self-care. A recent coaching session with Kathy, dedicated executive leader and single mother of two teenage boys, shed light on the consequences of neglecting the basics and developing new habits for healthy self-care, ultimately leading to better self-leadership.

The Consequences of Neglecting the Basics

Kathy's story is not uncommon. As she juggled her demanding role at work and the responsibilities of being a single mother, she found herself on a hamster wheel of stress and exhaustion. She was getting only six hours of sleep, making poor dietary choices, and struggling to find time for exercise. The lack of self-care took a toll on her physical, mental, and emotional well-being, leaving her feeling depleted and unable to show up as her best self, both at work and at home.

The Impact on Leadership and Personal Life

Neglecting self-care not only affects personal well-being but also significantly impacts one's ability to lead effectively. Kathy realized that her lack of self-care hindered her ability to make sound decisions, communicate effectively, and manage her team with patience and clarity. Moreover, it took a toll on her personal life as she struggled to fully present and engage with her children.

Developing New Habits for Healthy Self-Care

Kathy began to develop new habits to break the neglect cycle and prioritize self-care. She committed to getting at least seven hours of sleep each night, making healthier food choices, and carving out time for exercise, mainly walking, which she found to be a meditative and restorative practice. Additionally, she recognized the importance of setting boundaries and creating quiet time for herself, whether working from home occasionally or taking a solo weekend trip to recharge.

Three Practical Steps to Getting Back to Basics of Self-Care

1. Prioritize Sleep: Aim for at least 7-8 hours each night. Adequate sleep is crucial for physical and mental recovery, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to promote better sleep.

2. Nourish Your Body: Make conscious choices about the foods you consume. Opt for a balanced diet rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Proper nutrition fuels your body and mind, providing the energy and clarity needed to tackle daily challenges and maintain optimal health.

3. Incorporate Movement: Find a form of physical activity you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine. Whether walking, yoga, swimming, or dancing, exercise releases endorphins, reduces stress and improves overall physical and mental well-being. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

The Path to Better Self-Leadership - Small Steps Lead to Better Life Giving Habits

By prioritizing self-care, Kathy noticed a positive shift in her energy, productivity, and overall well-being. She approached her work with greater clarity and confidence, leading her team more effectively and navigating the challenges of her role with greater ease. Moreover, she was more present and engaged with her children, creating a healthier and happier home environment.

The journey to better self-leadership begins with a commitment to self-care. By recognizing the consequences of neglecting the basics and developing new habits for healthy self-care, we can cultivate the resilience, clarity, and emotional well-being necessary to lead ourselves and others effectively. As Kathy's story demonstrates, prioritizing self-care is not a luxury but a necessity for personal and professional success. By putting our oxygen masks on first, we can show up as our best selves and positively impact all areas of our lives.

Coaching Question When's the last time you felt like you were thriving? What are some of those practices you could re-engage into your daily routines? Still not sure where to begin? Start by taking 10-15 minute morning and afternoon breaks in your workday for a short walk. If helpful, bring a friend with you. Pay attention to how you feel afterwards, then build on your disciplines. What can you do to get back to the basics of your personal health for your professional success?

Personal Reflection

  1. Reflect on a time when you felt your best, both physically and mentally. What self-care practices were you engaging in during that period?

  2. What are some small, manageable steps you can take to prioritize your self-care, starting today?

  3. How can you incorporate more movement into your daily routine, even during a busy workday?

  4. What benefits do you notice in your mood, energy levels, and productivity when you consistently prioritize self-care?

  5. How can you encourage and support your colleagues or team members to prioritize their own self-care, creating a culture of well-being in your workplace?

By asking ourselves these questions and taking action to prioritize our self-care, we can reclaim our sense of thriving and show up as our best selves in all areas of our lives.

3 Lessons Learned Creating Psychological Safety

Unsplash @mullyadii

As an Organizational Development consultant, I have a front seat in the facilitation of building healthy, cohesive teams. Every team represents a case study of leadership and social dynamics lessons to observe and learn. Shared leadership and psychological safety influence levels of cognitive and social motivations (Sun et al., 2023). High-functioning cohesive teams compared to low dysfunctional teams reflect trust among team members. The higher the trust, the higher the effectiveness. For the last six months, one group I have been working with has unique collaborative, courageous, and fun dynamics. It is a joy to be at the table.

What makes teamwork well?

A level of trust reflects a high degree of psychological safety between team members and the leader. Psychological safety increases work performance, collaborative knowledge-sharing behavior, organizational citizenship, and lower turnover when done well. The ability to communicate openly and freely determines team members' positive work outcomes. (Liu & Keller, 2021). 

A surviving versus thriving team is marked by belonging, not bullying. 

Consultants are typically called in when there is a problem. When there was no trust, little communication and productivity suffered. One case study of two teams I recently worked with included a group that experienced a 200% turnover over two years. Meanwhile, the second team was engaging, energetic, and innovative. The first team felt exhaustive and unengaging. The root issue of the first team was a leadership challenge after months of consultation, 360s, personality assessment, culture surveys, and team intervention. The leader style is a micromanager with inconsistent communication, favoritism, and hyper-control of the details. It is simple to see when written in plain text. However, the leaders needed to see it and be made aware of their style and its impact. Compared to the second team leader, who empowered and encouraged team members in their work. Leaders who shape and value psychological safety unleash talent and create value (Edmondson, 2019).

People are naturally motivated and thrive in inclusive environments. However, there are also significant benefits to moments of solitude, isolation, and privacy. These periods can foster creativity, provide clarity and perspective, and offer a much-needed respite from social demands. It's a delicate balance, one that each individual must navigate to find a healthy tension between belonging and being. When this equilibrium is achieved, it can significantly enhance cognitive and social motivation. 

Here are three practical lessons learned and their direct applications for your next team meeting:

Lesson 1: High trust and psychological safety levels lead to more effective, cohesive teams.

   Practical application: Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, opinions, and concerns without fear of negative consequences. Encourage open communication and lead by example.

Lesson 2: The leadership style you adopt significantly shapes team dynamics and performance.

   Practical application: Reflect on your leadership style and its effects on the team. Identify areas where you can empower team members, communicate consistently, and avoid micromanagement. Consider seeking feedback from your team to gain insights into their perceptions and needs.

Lesson 3: Striking a balance between belonging and solitude is a critical factor for individual motivation and well-being.

   Practical application: Recognize that team members have different social interactions and needs for solitude. Encourage a culture that respects both collaborative work and individual-focused time. Consider implementing flexible work arrangements or designated quiet spaces to support this balance.

By applying these lessons, you can create a more psychologically safe and motivating environment for your team, ultimately improving performance and job satisfaction.

Today, I'm working with a team of local community leaders. After ten years as a consultant facilitating better teams, I'm still learning. I get to practice these three lessons for the good of the community. How about you? What can you do today to facilitate psychologically safe, high-trust teams? 


Edmondson, A. C. (2019). The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth (1st ed.). Wiley.

Liu, Y., & Keller, R. T. (2021). How psychological safety impacts R&D project teams' performance: In a psychologically safe workplace, R&D project teams perform better, more readily share knowledge and engage in organizational citizenship behavior, and are less likely to leave. Research Technology Management, 64(2), 39-45. https://10.1080/08956308.2021.1863111

Sun, M., He, K., & Ting, W. (2023). The impact of shared leadership on team creativity in innovation Teams—A chain mediating effect model. Sustainability, 15(2), 1212. https://10.3390/su15021212