Unsplash @timmossholder
95% of Resolutions Fail. It's a hard statistical reality. Will you be in the 5% this year?
The 5% represents those who set resolutions and have the resilience and strategic rest to see them through. Don't get me wrong; it's good to see gyms filled, fresh energy emerging in the year, job applications opening up, markets on the rise, and even more people coming to church last Sunday. There's a contagious optimism about the New Year. Yet, our resolve to put our best foot forward always faces resistance.
For the last 5 years or so, when leading a session on goal setting, motivation, or time management, I'll lead with a bit of humor, "Give a show of hands. How many of you want to be rich and skinny in the next 90 days?" That sounds great, too; I'll ask, "How many of you succeeded in your New Year's Resolutions this past year?" One or two hands may go up. The issue with resolutions is our resolve, yet working as a coach for a decade, I've noticed the problem runs deeper regarding our beliefs around resistance. Like those in the gym, this week will tell you – resistance training is the only way toward growth.
Spoken candidly, few have the resolve to sacrifice or suffer to endure till the finish line. The juice may not be worth the squeeze.
Speaking of suffering, in the fall of 2022, this truth became painfully personal when I faced a debilitating back crisis. As my L5 and S1 vertebrae collapsed onto nerve endings, creating excruciating pain, I found myself in serious consultations with two neurosurgeons who presented a stark reality: consider spinal fusion surgery or face a future of increasing limitation. The path forward demanded more than just medical intervention – it required a complete reimagining of my lifestyle, beginning with the challenging work of managing the mental and emotional stress that had manifested physically during my work as a leadership consultant with medical leaders amidst the healthcare crisis. Sometimes, our most significant challenges force us to rethink our approach rather than push harder along the same path.
A core principle emerged from my journey: Resistance training builds resilience, and resilience strengthens resolve.
Just as the body initially resists unfamiliar physical demands, organizations and teams naturally push back against change, even when beneficial. Foregoing the surgical route and mitigating the stress in my back, my physical therapy transition from running to swimming illustrates how adaptation, rather than mere persistence, often paves the way to success. Despite warnings that my running days were over, careful experimentation and gradual progression eventually enabled a return to the treadmill, complementing an established swimming routine that had grown to three miles weekly.
The key insight for leaders is profound: growth emerges not from resolution alone, but from deliberately engaging with resistance. Whether pushing through another lap in the pool, exercising patience instead of succumbing to anger, choosing to listen before speaking, or trusting your team instead of seizing control – each moment of resistance becomes an opportunity to build resilience.
This principle extends beyond personal development to organizational transformation. Leaders who understand this dynamic approach resistance not as an obstacle to be eliminated, but as a natural part of the growth process. They recognize that the challenges faced while implementing new initiatives – digital transformations, cultural shifts, or operational changes – forge more resilient organizations and teams.
My swimming journey perfectly captures this truth: progress comes through pushing against resistance. Each stroke through the water builds strength precisely because of the water's pushback. Similarly, organizational changes gain momentum and sustainability by addressing and working through resistance rather than avoiding it.
Embracing this understanding is crucial for leaders embarking on new year initiatives. The measure of success lies not in the absence of resistance but in the capacity to work through it productively. Whether implementing new technologies, reshaping team dynamics, or pursuing personal development goals, the resistance encountered often indicates that you're moving in the direction of meaningful change.
The most impactful resolutions—personal or organizational—aren't those that avoid resistance but anticipate and embrace it as part of the growth process. There's a secret to being among the 5% who achieve their resolutions: it requires a clear resolution, deep dedication to finishing what we started, and, most importantly, embracing resistance as an opportunity rather than a threat. This transformative power of embracing resistance is what empowers leaders and inspires them to achieve their goals.
Through resistance, we develop resilience. However, another critical element often overlooked in our pursuit of goals is the power of rest. Like those in gyms getting their reps in between weight sets, interval training has rest built in for recovery. Just as any piece of music includes rests for rhythm and melody, providing musicians time to catch their breath, our journey toward meaningful change requires similar pauses.
In every powerful conversation, the silence creates space for reflection and insight after a significant question. To calibrate work-life harmony, our weekly rhythms must include time for recreation, restful Sabbath, and reconnection with loved ones. This rest isn't merely a pause in activity—it's strategic preparation that allows you to leverage strength when, not if, resistance comes. Emphasizing the strategic nature of rest reassures leaders and helps them maintain a balanced approach to their goals.
True resolutions go beyond the superficial desires of being "rich and skinny." Genuine commitments have meaning and purpose. The leaders who succeed in their transformative journeys understand the wisdom of prioritizing significance over mere success. They recognize that resistance isn't their enemy but their trainer, building the strength needed for sustainable change. Stressing the significance of resolutions over mere success motivates leaders and helps them stay focused on their purpose.
As you move toward your resolutions this year, leverage these three elements: the wisdom to recognize the significance of your priorities, the understanding that resistance builds rather than blocks your path and the rhythm of rest that sustains your journey. In doing so, you might find yourself not just among the 5% who achieve their resolutions, but among the few who transform resistance into resilience, creating lasting change that extends far beyond the new year.
The path through resistance isn't just about reaching goals – it's about becoming someone capable of achieving and sustaining them. Like my journey from spinal crisis to renewed strength through swimming and eventual return to running, your path forward may require adaptation, patience, and a willingness to embrace the resistance that shapes your resilience. Remember, each lap in the pool, each minute on the treadmill, each moment of choosing patience over anger or trust over control – these are the resistance training moments that build the strength to turn resolutions into reality.