
Launching Rockets Before the VC Runs Out: Walking the Line Between Vision and Reality

Unsplash @spacex

A startup CTO's raw account of choosing between company culture and the capital countdown.

3 Pathways to navigate next steps to impossible decisions

Christopher massaged his temples, staring at the latest test results illuminated by his office monitor. The data wasn't catastrophic, but it wasn't good either. As Chief Technical Officer, he'd built his reputation on technical excellence and unwavering integrity. Now, those very principles were being tested daily in the pressure cooker of startup reality.

"We can just sign off on it and fix it in the next iteration," his colleague had suggested earlier that day, with that characteristic startup optimism that made Christopher's stomach churn. "The investors need to see progress."

Progress had become a double-edged sword in the rocket startup world. In the boardroom, it meant hitting arbitrary milestones that looked good on quarterly reports. In the test facility, it meant methodical validation, careful documentation, and sometimes—the hardest pill for investors to swallow—taking two steps back to move one step forward safely.

The manufacturing floor below his office buzzed with activity, his team of eight working diligently on the next prototype. He'd handpicked each one, invested in their development, and watched them grow from talented individuals into a cohesive unit. Their commitment was unwavering, but lately, he'd noticed the strain in their eyes. They felt it, too—the growing disconnect between the company's words and actions.

"We're different," the founders had proclaimed when they'd recruited him from his backyard in California during COVID. "We're building a company that cares about its people, that does things right." Christopher had believed them then. Four years and seventy employees later, he was wrestling with the gap between that vision and reality.

The company's culture had begun to fragment. Simple process improvements that would benefit everyone got vetoed by individual holdouts. Documentation requirements – critical for safety and traceability – were treated as optional bureaucratic hurdles rather than essential safeguards. Accountability existed in presentations but evaporated in practice.

His phone buzzed with another message from the CEO: "Board presentation tomorrow. Need updates on the production timeline."

Christopher closed his eyes, remembering his conversation with his president that morning. "If you leave, we're done," the president had said. "I don't mean to put this all on you, but I'm putting it all on you." The weight of those words sat heavily on his shoulders.

Running a manufacturing department in aerospace wasn't like running a candy shop. They were creating controlled explosions at an airport. Every decision, every signature, every process had real consequences. However, trying to enforce standards while maintaining morale was becoming an increasingly delicate balance.

"You're intimidating," they'd told him in feedback sessions. "You need to be less negative." But how do you sugarcoat physics? How do you make safety requirements more palatable? When did upholding standards become negative?

Opening his laptop, Christopher began drafting an email to the founders. They started this journey with shared values—respect, excellence, and integrity. Somewhere along the way, those values had become PowerPoint slides rather than daily practices. The company needed to mature and align its actions with its stated principles.

The easy path would be to walk away. His skills were in demand, and other companies would welcome his experience. But that wasn't who he was. He'd invested too much of himself in this team, this vision, this dream of building something different in an industry known for burning through talent and burning out people.

Looking through the window at his team below, Christopher made his decision. He would stay and fight for technical excellence and the culture they'd promised to build. The company needed to grow, which meant having uncomfortable conversations about accountability, following through on commitments, and aligning values with behaviors.

Tomorrow's board meeting would be challenging. The investors would push for shortcuts, faster timelines, and more "progress." But real progress meant building something sustainable—not just in terms of technology but also in terms of people and principles.

Christopher began typing his presentation, leading with the hard truths. The company was at a crossroads. It could continue down the path of least resistance, making decisions by exception and watching its culture erode, or it could recommit to its founding values and put in the hard work of building a company worth believing in.

The test results still glowed on his other monitor, a reminder of the technical challenges ahead. However, as he drafted his message, Christopher felt a familiar sense of purpose return. In an industry where failure meant more than missed quarters, integrity wasn't just a virtue—it was a survival strategy. Sometimes, true leadership meant being the voice of uncomfortable truths, even when it meant standing alone.

Finding Your Way Forward: Reflections for Leaders at the Crossroads

Christopher's story isn't just about rockets and runways – it's about the universal challenge of maintaining professional integrity while navigating the pressures of performance and progress. Perhaps you recognize yourself in his struggle, caught between the demands of stakeholders and your standards of excellence. Maybe you are wrestling with decisions that seem to have no clear, correct answer.

When the stakes are high, and the path forward is clouded by subjectivity, even the most seasoned leaders can feel paralyzed. Here are three pathways to help you find clarity and purpose when facing impossible decisions:

Step Outside Your Bubble: Gain New Perspective

As a wise missionary mentor once observed, we must "get out of the demographic." Our immediate circumstances can create a tunnel vision that blinds us to broader possibilities. What we perceive as insurmountable challenges in our professional bubble might look very different when viewed through a different lens.

This isn't about diminishing your challenges by comparing them to "third-world problems." Rather, it's about seeking perspectives that shake loose our fixed thinking patterns. This might mean:

  • Spending time in nature, where the scale of your challenges shifts against the backdrop of mountains or oceans

  • Volunteering in communities different from your own

  • Engaging with leaders from entirely different industries who've faced similar crossroads

  • Taking time for silent reflection away from the constant hum of business

Seek Wisdom: Leverage Your Support Network

No leader should navigate difficult decisions in isolation. Christopher's story emerged from a coaching conversation that helped him articulate his frustrations, underlying values, and non-negotiables. Consider:

  • Engaging with a professional coach who can help you process your thoughts and clarify your path

  • Connecting with mentors who've weathered similar storms

  • Building a personal board of advisors – trusted voices who can offer different perspectives and challenge your assumptions

  • Creating space for honest dialogue with peers facing similar challenges

Pause and Realign: Return to Your Core

We can lose sight of our fundamental values and purpose under the pressure of immediate decisions. Take time to:

  • Identify your core values and non-negotiables

  • Map the gaps between your current reality and these values.

  • Recognize where you've made compromises and why

  • Recenter yourself on your primary purpose.

For Christopher, this reflection revealed that while he loved building rockets, his priority was building people. This clarity led to a strategy: focus on building a strong culture first, knowing that engaged, aligned people would ultimately build better rockets. The numbers would follow the fundamentals.

The Universal Truth of Leadership

You may not be launching rockets or running a startup. Your decisions might not make headlines or move markets. But your leadership matters profoundly – whether in a corporate boardroom or at your kitchen table. The quality of your decisions, the wisdom of your discernment, and your commitment to doing what's right create ripples that extend far beyond your immediate sphere of influence.


  • Short-term pressures will always push against long-term wisdom

  • The easy path rarely leads to lasting impact

  • Your integrity is your most valuable asset

  • Building the right way is more important than building the fast way

  • People and principles outlast products and profits

Leadership isn't about having all the answers. It's about having the courage to ask the right questions, the wisdom to seek guidance, and the integrity to stand firm when it matters most. Ultimately, the impossible decisions often become clear when viewed through the lens of our deepest values and longest-term impact.

The Silent Power of Emerging Leaders: Reflections from Coast to Coast

Unsplash @anniespratt

In a week spanning from the mountains of West Virginia to the shores of California, I witnessed the unmistakable pulse of emerging leadership across America. Through team building at a university, coaching sessions with a thirty-something manufacturing executive in Ohio, and facilitating educator training in California, I observed a common thread that binds aspiring leaders: the delicate balance between boundless passion and persistent self-doubt.

One conversation particularly stands out – a meeting with an emerging manager whose words were punctuated with the recurring phrase, "I want to be..." Her story revealed an internal struggle between professional ambition and self-confidence that echoed across countless similar conversations. From coast to coast, I encountered individuals rich in opinions and passion yet tethered by their internal skepticism.

What struck me most was that these emerging leaders weren't seeking grand revelations or profound wisdom. The most powerful support often came in the form of quiet presence – a hand on the shoulder, a moment of genuine listening, an unspoken acknowledgment of their potential. Their self-criticism had become a lens through which they viewed their world and relationships, creating invisible barriers to their growth.

The depth of these encounters revealed itself in private conversations: a professional who rose from a childhood in the welfare system, another who found strength after early abandonment and adoption, and a Philippine immigrant navigating the complex maze of language, education, and economic challenges. These weren't just stories of survival; they were powerful testimonies to resilience, agility, and adaptability that can inspire and motivate us all.

Yet, a crucial insight emerged: these individuals don't seek to be problems to be fixed. Their repeated reference to 'the leader I want to be'speaks to an aspirational mindset – a genuine desire for growth and development. This realization calls for a shift in how we approach mentorship and leadership development. Perhaps the most profound impact comes not from providing solutions but from creating space for authentic expression through thoughtful questions and active listening, a practice that can make individuals feel valued and respected.

These encounters serve as powerful reminders to pause and reflect on our journey of becoming. The most transformative mentorship often lies in the unspoken words, in the spaces between conversations where trust builds and confidence grows. As we guide the next generation of leaders, we might find that their stories of determination and dreams inspire our development as leaders and human beings.

Taking the First Steps to Becoming a Mentor: A Guide for Seasoned Leaders

great mentors aren't born – they're developed through practice, reflection, and a genuine desire to help others succeed.

As seasoned leaders, we often reach a point in our careers where we want to give back and share our wealth of experience. Mentorship offers a powerful way to do this, and the sense of fulfillment it brings is unparalleled. Transitioning into a mentoring role can be challenging, but it's a journey worth embarking on. Inspired by a recent coaching session with Holly, a veteran project leader in the biotech industry, here are some critical steps to begin your journey as a mentor.

Start with Small Talk and Build Rapport

The foundation of any successful mentoring relationship is trust and rapport. Holly realized that her first step was to avoid diving into formal mentoring programs and engaging in more casual interactions with potential mentees. By spending time in common areas like the office atrium or break room, she could initiate low-pressure conversations about upcoming holidays or weekend plans. These seemingly simple exchanges can open doors to deeper connections.

Practice Active Listening

As leaders, we're often accustomed to providing solutions and directing others. However, effective mentorship requires a shift in mindset. Holly recognized that she needed to focus more on listening than telling. Mentors can help mentees discover their own solutions and insights by asking open-ended questions such as 'What do you think is the best approach to this situation?' or 'How do you feel about the outcome?' and truly hearing the responses.

Be Approachable and Accessible

Holly discovered that some younger colleagues seemed nervous about approaching her despite her years of experience. To counter this, she decided to make a conscious effort to be more visible and approachable. This might mean leaving her office door open, participating in company social events, or simply smiling and greeting colleagues in the hallway. Being approachable and accessible is key to fostering a comfortable and open mentoring relationship.

Reflect on Your Own Experiences

Before jumping into mentorship, take time to reflect on your career journey. What challenges did you face? What lessons did you learn the hard way? What do you wish someone had told you earlier in your career? These reflections can provide valuable insights to share with mentees, and they can also be a source of personal growth and insight for you as a mentor.

Start Informally Before Formalizing

Rather than immediately setting up structured mentoring sessions, begin with informal interactions. Offer to grab coffee with a younger colleague or invite someone to bounce ideas off you. These casual interactions can naturally evolve into more formal mentoring relationships over time.

Focus on Development, Not Problem-Solving

Holly realized that effective mentorship is more than solving a mentee's problems. Instead, it's about helping them develop the skills and mindset to tackle challenges. When mentees come to you with issues, resist the urge to provide solutions immediately. Instead, ask questions that guide them toward their conclusions.

Be Vulnerable and Authentic

Many seasoned leaders, like Holly, worry that showing emotion or admitting weaknesses might undermine their authority. However, sharing your struggles and how you overcame them can make you more relatable and create stronger connections with mentees. It's okay to let them know that leadership isn't always easy, even after years of experience.

Continually Learn and Adapt

As you begin your mentoring journey, remember that it's a learning experience for you, too. Be open to feedback, stay curious about new perspectives, and be willing to adapt your approach based on what works best for each mentee.

By taking these first steps, seasoned leaders can begin to transition into rewarding mentorship roles, sharing their valuable experience while continuing to grow and learn themselves. Remember, great mentors aren't born – they're developed through practice, reflection, and a genuine desire to help others succeed.

The Silent Voice: When the Team Goes Quiet

Have you ever experienced the feeling of your voice being marginalized and your ideas and expertise being persistently overlooked?

In my recent work coaching, I've witnessed this painful dynamic firsthand as I observed an exceptional employee, whom we'll call Emily, a Communication Director, ironically given her role, losing her voice amidst the power dynamics of a team led by a newly hired executive, Sarah.

Despite Emily's competence and dedication, Sarah's unconscious need to assert her value in the executive role inadvertently overshadowed Emily's contributions. Sarah's approach unwittingly silenced the diverse perspectives and innovative thinking that Emily brought. Instead of having her expertise elevated and her insights heard, Emily was sidelined and marginalized.

Emily's silencing had a devastating impact on the rest of the team. Their synergy and productivity plummeted as crucial ideas went unheard. Morale dwindled as frustration and disillusionment set in. Worst of all, the once-vibrant Emily began to withdraw, her confidence eroded by the persistent disregard for her talents. The air went out of the room.

When conversation slows, so begins the erosion of trust.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation, feeling powerless to find your voice and make it heard? What steps did you take to advocate for yourself and reclaim your rightful place at the table? Perhaps a mentor or ally stepped in to champion your cause and amplify your perspective.

As a leader, have you ever caught yourself monopolizing discussions or promoting your agenda at the expense of your team's voices? It's a common pitfall driven by a genuine but misguided desire to prove one's worth. However, the cost of this behavior can be severe - lost innovation, decreased morale, and the alienation of top talent.

Who in your life and work seems to have lost their voice when you're in the room?

This scenario underscores the critical importance of effective leadership in fostering a culture of collaboration, respect, and recognition. Leaders must recognize each team member's value and actively cultivate an environment where diverse perspectives are welcomed and honored. Failure to do so stifles progress and risks eroding team cohesion and losing irreplaceable talent.

Through targeted coaching and courageous feedback from her direct reports, Sarah raised her self-awareness and started recognizing Emily's silent voice. By fostering empathy and understanding, Sarah began actively engaging Emily's expertise - catalyzing a revitalization of team dynamics and renewed productivity.

Sarah's experience strongly reminds us that authentic leadership does not involve dominating the spotlight but elevating the brilliance of those around you. A leader must create an environment where every voice is heard, respected, and empowered to contribute. This is the only way to ensure teams thrive and achieve extraordinary results.

Take a moment to look at your experiences. When have you ever felt marginalized? Who's the person or people who advocated for you? Understanding how they made a difference and learning from their actions is crucial.

As a leader, it's your responsibility to amplify the voices of everyone on your team. Each team member has a unique perspective that can contribute to the team's success. Therefore, you must provide a platform to harness the collective genius of all. By doing so, you can ensure that your team achieves its goals and exceeds expectations.

Self-Leadership - You Can't Impart What You Don't Possess

You can impart what you don't possess. Many leaders are giving from an empty cup.

  1. What is self-leadership?

  2. What's your baseline for leading well?

  3. How do you measure your leader development? 

If you want to increase productivity, engagement, performance, innovation, succession pipeline, and positive workplace culture, please keep reading... 

In 2012, I moved from running a business to coaching leaders. I was eager to serve leaders through coaching and consulting during my transition. Yet, I needed help! My father-in-law, a role model and mentor leader for me, spent countless hours over many meals and cups of coffee, downloading his wisdom, experience, and support. Today, I can stand on the shoulders of mentors and coaches like my father-in-law, who helped me so I could help others grow and develop to their potential. During one of those discussions, he gave me a copy of FYI published by Korn Ferry. It was my first formal introduction to leadership competencies. 

Today, I'm certified as a Korn Ferry consultant and utilize the 360 tools based on the leadership competencies in my coaching and cohorts. As a compliment to KF, in 2017, I began coaching leaders with the Center for Creative Leadership using Benchmark 360, which highlights competencies from the Compass guide. In 2023, I privately coached 50+ leaders using the Benchmark 360 through CCL programs. FMI's Peak Leader Model identifies eight leadership competencies in the construction industry: setting direction, aligning Resources, and motivating and inspiring. KF, CCL, and FMI utilize a framework to measure leadership growth. These are the tools for self-leadership. 

What is self-leadership? 

Self-leadership is the conscious, intentional process of guiding oneself toward achieving personal and professional goals through reflection, efficacy, self-awareness, competencies, disciplines, and the ability to act on priorities. It involves taking ownership of one's thoughts, emotions, and actions, fostering a deep understanding of oneself and one's capabilities, and cultivating the skills and mindset needed to navigate challenges and opportunities effectively. Self-leadership empowers individuals to set meaningful goals, make informed decisions, and take decisive actions aligned with their values and aspirations, ultimately leading to greater fulfillment and success in both personal and professional domains.

Why focus on self-leadership?

Leaders consistently encounter challenges; a prevalent one among them is experiencing a crisis of confidence. As leaders navigate various situations, they often find themselves stretched thin, prompting them to question their abilities with doubts like, "Can I truly do this?" At some point in the leadership journey, a leader will raise a hand to acknowledge, "I want to be a better leader." These awakening moments can be triggered by new promotions, increased responsibilities, several direct reports, or a crisis stretching your capacity. You know the feeling of being extended beyond your capacity. Like my story, your leadership will only improve if you get help, support, and training. 

Since the onset of COVID, I've had the opportunity to lead a variety of cohort models aimed at developing emerging managers, first-year directors, mentor leaders, and coaches. Each cohort consisted of 25 to 45 leaders for a 6-month engagement. The main goal of these cohorts is to foster connections to build a robust stakeholder network while also focusing on leader development through competency building and practical application.

In surveying each unique cohort, we discovered that the primary challenge for every leader, manager, mentor, and coach revolved around confidence in their new roles. Developing a cohort model to boost leaders' confidence in leading effectively requires a blend of art and science, drawing on experience and education while meeting busy leaders' needs and expectations. Self-leadership emerges as a crucial element for effective leadership, yet it is often neglected due to the demands of the day-to-day.

What's at stake if self-leadership is neglected?

Leaders may struggle with confidence in leadership due to a variety of psychological, experiential, and practical reasons:

  1. Psychological Factors:

    • Imposter Syndrome: Many leaders experience feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt despite evidence of their competence. Imposter syndrome can undermine confidence and lead to fear of being "found out" as a fraud.

    • Perfectionism: Leaders may set unrealistically high standards for themselves, leading to anxiety and self-criticism when they inevitably fall short. Fear of making mistakes or being judged can erode confidence.

    • Negative Self-Talk: Internalized negative beliefs and self-criticism can undermine a leader's confidence. Persistent thoughts of unworthiness or incompetence can create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  1. Experiential Factors:

    • Past Failures: Previous setbacks or failures can linger in a leader's mind, casting doubt on their ability to succeed in future endeavors. Without proper reflection and resilience-building, these experiences can undermine confidence.

    • Lack of Role Models: Leaders who lack strong role models or mentors may need help to develop a clear sense of leadership identity and competence. With guidance and support, they may feel confident in their abilities.

    • Limited Feedback: Leaders who receive insufficient or unclear feedback may need help to gauge their performance accurately. Without validation or constructive criticism, they may doubt their effectiveness as leaders.

  1. Practical Factors:

    • Unclear Expectations: Ambiguity surrounding roles, responsibilities, or goals can leave leaders needing guidance on navigating their leadership roles effectively. Without clear direction, they may lack confidence in their decisions.

    • Resource Constraints: Leaders operating in resource-constrained environments may feel overwhelmed or unsupported in leading effectively. Limited time, budget, or personnel can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy.

    • Complexity and Uncertainty: Rapidly changing environments or complex challenges can create uncertainty and ambiguity for leaders. The pressure to navigate uncertainty while maintaining stability can undermine confidence in decision-making.

Addressing these factors requires a combination of self-awareness, support, and skill-building. Leaders can work on challenging negative beliefs, seek out mentors or coaches for guidance, and cultivate resilience through reflection and learning from setbacks. Clear communication, feedback mechanisms, and alignment of expectations can also mitigate practical challenges to confidence in leadership.

When a leader focuses on developing their self-leadership, their confidence can grow in several ways:

  1. Clarity of Purpose: Developing self-leadership often involves reflecting on one's values, goals, and strengths. This clarity of purpose provides a solid foundation for decision-making and action, bolstering the leader's confidence in their direction.

  2. Resilience: Self-leadership involves cultivating resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks. As leaders learn to navigate obstacles with determination and adaptability, they build confidence in overcoming adversity.

  3. Self-Awareness: Leaders who invest in self-leadership develop a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. This self-awareness enables them to leverage their strengths effectively and address any limitations with confidence and humility.

  4. Authenticity: Embracing authenticity is a crucial aspect of self-leadership. When leaders align their actions with their values and principles, they exude authenticity, which fosters trust and confidence among their team members.

  5. Empowerment: Self-leadership involves taking ownership of one's actions and decisions. As leaders empower themselves to take initiative and accountability, they build confidence in their ability to lead effectively and inspire others to do the same.

  6. Continuous Learning: Leaders prioritizing self-leadership are committed to ongoing growth and development. By embracing a growth mindset and seeking opportunities for learning and improvement, they bolster their confidence in their capacity to adapt and evolve as leaders.

Focusing on developing self-leadership fosters a sense of inner strength, clarity, and authenticity, cultivating confidence in one's leadership abilities.

What happens when self-leadership scales from the leader to the organization? 

When leaders and teams are committed to professional development and demonstrate self-leadership, the impact on the organization can be profound:

  1. Increased Productivity: Leaders and teams prioritizing professional development tend to be more skilled and knowledgeable. They are better equipped to handle challenges, innovate, and adapt to changing circumstances, leading to increased organizational productivity and efficiency.

  2. Enhanced Employee Engagement: Investing in professional development shows employees that their organization values their growth and success. This fosters a sense of loyalty and commitment among team members, leading to higher engagement and morale. Employees are more likely to be motivated and enthusiastic about their work when they see opportunities for growth and advancement.

  3. Improved Performance and Innovation: When leaders and teams demonstrate self-leadership, they take ownership of their work and are more likely to push themselves to excel. This results in higher-quality outputs, greater creativity, and a continuous improvement and innovation culture. Organizations encouraging self-leadership are better positioned to stay competitive and thrive in their respective industries.

  4. Stronger Leadership Pipeline: By investing in professional development at all levels of the organization, leaders can identify and nurture talent from within. This helps build a strong leadership pipeline for the future, ensuring that the organization has the right people to drive success and growth over the long term.

  5. Positive Organizational Culture: Focusing on professional development and self-leadership fosters a positive organizational culture characterized by trust, collaboration, and mutual respect. Employees feel supported in their growth journey, leading to stronger relationships, effective teamwork, and a sense of belonging within the organization.

When leaders and teams are committed to professional development and demonstrate self-leadership, the organization benefits from improved performance, increased innovation, and a culture of engagement and excellence; this ultimately contributes to long-term success and sustainability.

What's the next step? 

Self-leadership begins with self-reflection. 

During our session, one senior director declared, " I need some soul-searching before strategically casting a vision for my teams. If I don't, I create confusion from my lack of clarity, leading to further chaos. I'll pay for it later if I don't take the time for myself now." 

Take the next step: schedule time to respond to these self-leadership questions. Then, after you write down your thoughts, consider who can support you in acting on your insights.  

Where am I currently in my leadership journey?

  • Reflect on your current skills, strengths, and areas for improvement to understand your starting point.

What specific leadership competencies do I need to develop?

  • Identify key areas that require enhancement, such as communication, decision-making, or emotional intelligence.

How can I acquire the necessary knowledge and skills?

  • Explore resources like books, courses, workshops, or mentorship programs tailored to your development needs.

What actionable steps can I take to implement what I learn?

  • Create a plan with specific, measurable goals and timelines to apply new insights and techniques in your daily leadership practice.

How will I hold myself accountable for my growth?

  • Establish accountability measures such as regular self-assessment, seeking feedback, or partnering with a mentor/coach to track progress and stay motivated.

Finally, if you're standing on someone's shoulders who helped you get where you are today, take a moment and give a note of thanks as a reminder we don't get where we are alone. Then, consider who you can help encourage in their leadership; you never know the impact you can make by investing a few minutes into helping someone today. 

I welcome your feedback on how these articles have been helpful for your leadership. Also, if you need support for your leadership growth, team development, or a cohort program for your organization, feel free to reach out at