Work Your Plan

#12 Andrew Petty ~ Dig Deep! Win Big! Creating an Owner's Manual for Your Life!

Andrew Petty, a life and leadership coach at Dig Deep Win Big.   

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He shares his authenticity and advice. He models embracing anxiety as empowerment. He shares his journey from a panic attack to advocating for the potential in every human being. He teaches us about self-discovery and what can happen if you decide to really know your strengths. We talk about mental health, mortality, creating change, and more fulfillment in life. It's a powerful conversation giving describing what it means to Dig Deep Win Big!

Andrew shares 4 insights into how anxiety can empower you ...

  1. Understanding yourself is of the utmost importance.

  2. Challenges and fear should not deter you but rather inspire you.

  3. Feedback is a tool that you should take advantage of.

  4. Mental health challenges can become superpowers.

Andrew's answer 5 questions...

  1. Share about working in a non-profit that led to your panic attack?

  2. What led to the shift for you from paralyzed by fear to resolve and action?

  3. What is the graveyard group?

  4. What does it mean to dig deep win big?

  5. What are some of the values you bring into the owner's manual?

To learn more about Andrew Petty visit Dig Deep Win Big!

Leadership vision meets personal vulnerability and serves 8 million meals to the most vulnerable


Gary and Renee VanDyke, local Colorado leadership influencers and founders of Food For Orphans.

Gary started out in Christian radio which led him to his passion for helping others and also to his wife Renee. His work led him to travel and see true poverty and he knew he had to help. His heart was really touched by the orphans who had no one to go to for the care that they need. He saw that their most pressing need was food and he was inspired to help. To make that happen he knew he would have to invite others to his cause because he could not do it alone.

Renee and Gary have been using their platforms to help international orphans since 1999. Food for Orphans has provided over 8 million meals and has no plans on stopping there.

We learn a few things from Gary and Renee

  1. Courage is important

  2. Allow yourself to fail

  3. Having a direction is essential

  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you're looking for a practical way to impact kid's lives holistically with food and education connect with Food for Orphans and Vision Trust.

You can find Gary at and Renee at

#7 John Ramstead ~ Leading a Life with Purpose! 3 Questions to Get You Started in 2020!

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John Ramstead with leads Beyond Influence joins the conversation today. He's a leader, entrepreneur, Navy Fighter pilot, coach for Fortune 50 executives, author, and host of Eternal Leadership podcast with 300 episodes. 

Starting a new year and decade, most high energy and motivated leaders are ready to launch. Like the fighter jets, John flew they require a lot of fuel for a launch. What refuels you to stay healthy and energized? 

We talk about the rhythms we need to stay healthy to stay the course so we can land safely after the mission is complete. 

John shares his life threat story, recovery, and redefining normal life and work.  He shares about mental health for leaders and watching for the signs when we need help. He is a leader who lives on purpose taking every day as a gift.  

Like his flying days, we learn about 3 ways an automatic pilot recalibrates. It's a challenge for us to do the same. 

  1. We need a destination

  2. We need a true north

  3. We need a flight plan 

Starting a new season, year, and decade nows the time to get your bearings. 

John encourages us to recalibrate and get back on course. 

3 Questions for Focus On Our Priorities in 2020

  1. What do you want to celebrate with your closest friends in 6-12 months?

  2. What standing in your way, stopping, or slowing down towards reaching your goal?

  3. What will be the effect on your life, family, and work if you reach your goal?

Enjoy! Happy 2020!

#2 What's your Passion? Where Passion Connects With Your Work!


Timeless Discussion...Yet A Timely Decision

During the fall of 2012, I was driving on I-196 with a friend. We were on a business trip from Grand Rapids to Chicago. After lunch and a few miles down the road during our 4-hour trip my friend asked the question...

... I remember the inward feeling of struggle to answer honestly. As if my words carried weight. As the miles went by he gave me some room to talk, share, and even dream. He listened, asked, and clarified my thoughts.

... the road trip was more than one dream in the distance. Rather, it opened my thinking to a larger world. I realized I'd been looking at the pavement too long. There was a big horizon. It's inspiring! ... and encouraging to have a friend alongside of me...

Passion Exercise - Expand your List!

On your phone or in a journal, begin writing down a list starting with at least 10 Passions. These topics may stimulate a few thoughts... These are activities when exercised put a smile on your face, energize your life, and reflect what you value most...

  1. Sports / Recreation

  2. Art / Music

  3. Travel

  4. Friends / Family

  5. Serving / Helping

  6. Writing / Reading

  7. Building / Starting / Solving

  8. Food / Feeding Hungry

  9. Running! / Accomplishing

  10. What’s your Jam?

What motivates you to engage at work?

Intrinsic Motivation - Rewards beyond just a paycheck!

How would you rate your engagement in these 4 areas?

  • Meaningfulness

  • Choice

  • Competence

  • Progress

Source: Intrinsic Motivation –Kenneth Thomas

A passion without a plan really only stays a dream.

What private reflections do you need to share as a public declaration?

Begin a conversation with a Friend or Mentor to Help Answer What’s your passion?