Unsplash @yuxxiang
Straddling between faith and wisdom, I reflect on my 25-year entrepreneurial journey and see that there has yet to be a straight path. There have been so many twists and turns, ups and downs, and lessons learned the hard way. But I wouldn't have it any other way because those struggles and failures shaped me into the leader and person I am today.
In those early years, my business was truly a miracle-based operation. As that tough-loving CPA mentor of mine so bluntly put it - "Russell, you're in the miracle business." Sobered by his comment and counsel, in time, I realized he was absolutely right. As a smaller business owner, I depended entirely on finding that perfect product at the ideal price and timing for each project. Talk about operating under extreme uncertainty and ambiguity!
There were so many times things fell apart that inventory didn't materialize, and I lost my shirt on deals because of the logistical costs of shipping and storage. I can't even count how many miracles I had to manifest through sheer grit and faith to keep that business afloat. But you know what? Those trying times taught me resilience, gratitude, and humility. They forced me to embrace the unpredictable nature of entrepreneurship. And critically, they opened my eyes to the beauty of uncertainty - those unexpected open doors that can completely change your trajectory when you least expect it.
Eventually, I realized that in running a miracle-based business, more wisdom and prudence were needed to hedge against risks beyond my control. As another wise mentor advised, I needed to develop a sustainable model I could count on. That transition required even more faith, as I had to tear down my old way of operating and rebuild it into something scalable and strategic. However, the lessons were invaluable - the importance of discipline, focusing on priorities, refining my value proposition, diligent planning, and investing relational equity with my clients. Shifting to a coaching/consulting model providing expertise rather than products was one of my career's most significant paradigm shifts.
Even after establishing a solid model, I realized there was another summit to climb - the pursuit of true mastery. As my dear friend acknowledged, I had entered a "season of mastery" in my work. His words stuck with me as I grappled with taking my coaching and leadership development craft to the highest level of artistry and excellence. Another mentor's quoting proverbs crystalized it for me: "The gift will make the way for the giver and usher them into the presence of the great." I had to ceaselessly work on honing my unique gift to achieve mastery.
That journey towards world-class mastery has been humbling and challenging. There's a never-ending loop of continuous learning required. Anytime I think I've reached the mountain peak, I realize there's an even higher summit. True masters, as I've learned, never lose the humility to keep striving and growing. But it's also been the most rewarding path, finally finding that deep sense of joy and fulfillment that comes from operating at the highest craftsman level of your work.
So here I am today, still bouncing between those seasons of miracles, models, and mastery at different points. It's an agile, meandering journey without any final destination. I've had to embrace the uncertainties and failures, analyze where I went off-track, realign myself through strategic shifts, and always keep climbing towards the next level of excellence.
I share these vulnerable reflections to illustrate that there is no linear path to success. We're constantly moving between those seasons, learning and growing. So my invitation to you is this - where do you feel stuck in your career journey right now?
My primary work today and since 2012 facilitates open coaching conversations to help you realign and refocus on achieving your vision of miracles, building a sustainable model, or striving for mastery. The road is tough, but having someone walk beside you may bolster your next step in your journey. If a discovery conversation may help to see if coaching is helpful, let's map out your next steps together.