Coaching Mindset Resources

the Advance follows the framework of 1. Awareness. 2. Alignment, 3. Action!

  1. Learn your Highest & Best Ability by Assessment(s) & Feedback

  2. Grow your Leadership Capacity

  3. Move towards your Goals

For our coaching sessions whether formally or informally we follow a conversational framework. 

  1. Gaining self-awareness to leverage strengths, managing weakness,  minimize blind spots, and mitigate bottlenecks. 

  2. Defining growth areas for your development. The Scorecard gives context for roles, responsibilities, and reviewing performance. Getting clarity on what to focus on, where you are excelling, or not, to invest into the highest and best use of your time and talents. 

  3. Reviewing goals and commitment for this month, quarter, or year both personally and professionally. Create an action plan staying focus to see it done. Letting go of secondary things to achieve what's priority. 

For some leaders to begins with a 4-hour-8-hour intensive session followed by 1-hour monthly coaching. Its process produces results. You may begin with 30 minutes. It’s your time to go as deep or wide as you need.

As you consider your coaching time … Where do you want to focus? Awareness, Alignment, Action! 

Suggestions to Engage for Coaching

  1. Review for Awareness & Reflect on 1-3 Insights/Questions - If you completed a personality assessment (past or present) review for new perspectives. The Advance team uses Strength Finders, Birkman, 360, Myers Briggs, Enneagram, DISC, PDP, Kolbe, Workplace Big 5, FIRO, and TKI Conflict Mode Instrument. We also begin our coaching engagements with the Birkman.

  2.  Development Focus - Where are stretched, struggling, or stuck in your work? What support do you need? Identify 1-3 growth areas you could invest in your leadership over the next 1-3 months.

  3. What's your win? What do want to accomplish this month, quarter, or year end. Define both personally and professionally. 

One quick tip we've learned as you prepare is a simple coaching question after my intensive session... 

What question would you like your coach to ask you? write it Down! Then Share with your Question bEfore the meeting!